Good Diet Foods

4 Good Diet Foods That Stop You from Getting Fat

The struggle with weight loss can make you feel down – you may even feel as though you’re fighting a losing battle. But your secret weapon lies in the good diet foods you’re just about to discover in this article.

There is no need to starve yourself slim and feel miserable about food.

You just have to be mindful of the types of food you eat and how quickly you want to achieve your end goal.

The foods we’ll be looking at are by no means magical. They’re not even that special compared to other diet foods. But what they are, are simple everyday foods that taste good and just happen to help you lose weight.

The key to the good diet foods I’m about to share with you ultimately comes down to how they are processed during digestion. Your body needs to work a lot harder to consume these foods. And the harder your body has to work, the more calories you’ll burn and the quicker you will lose weight. Increasing the rate at which your body burns calories becomes even more of a necessity the older you get, as your metabolic rate slows down considerably.

There’s a common term I’m sure you’ve come across, called the ‘middle age spread’ – weight seems just that little bit more difficult to shift and you start to notice your waistline getting just that little bit bigger. Your body is not burning fat as quickly as it used to when you were younger.

That’s where these good diet foods come into play, to help with boosting your metabolism. Let’s explore these foods further:

1. Peanut butter:

Peanut butter

Yes, shock horror it’s peanut butter! Despite the fat content and high-calorie levels, peanut butter is a great substitute for ordinary butter. Whereas regular butter, is rich in fat, peanut butter is rich in protein and fiber – both of which will help you lose weight quickly. Protein is excellent for burning fat by building lean muscle mass, whilst fiber makes you work that little bit harder when eating and digesting food. Ultimately this helps with suppressing your appetite for longer.

In addition to the protein and fiber, peanut butter is packed with vitamins and minerals which help to sustain a healthy heart and keep diabetes away. You can buy peanut butter from pretty much anywhere, although I would suggest that you stick with 100% natural products such as Skippy Peanut Butter and steer off the commercial varieties. If you’re a little bit handy in the kitchen you could even make your own.

Like all things, you still need to exercise moderation with this food, but due to the hunger-satisfying ability of peanut butter, you’re likely to feel full after a couple of tablespoons anyway. Either way, peanut butter combined with wholegrain wheat, makes for a great breakfast or healthy snack option.

2. Almonds:


These are a personal favorite of mine which I never tire of eating!

Although almonds belong to the nut family, they fall into the good fats category. Good fats supply your body with essential vitamins and minerals including fatty acids. As with peanut butter, almonds are also rich in fiber and protein, providing you with the associated benefits to help you lose weight quicker.

3. Beans:


Did you know that beans make a great appetite suppressant? Well, you do now. And, surprise surprise, that’s down to the high levels of fiber present in beans.

Your success in losing weight does come down to your ability to eat less food. So it stands to reason that you won’t want to eat if you don’t feel hungry. Try adding a few beans to your meal today and notice how much fuller your stomach is after eating.

4. Green Tea:

green tea

OK so this one is more of a beverage as opposed to food but it’s still a good diet option. Now I’m not saying that regular tea is bad for you (unless you’re drinking gallons of it), it’s just that green tea is infused with fat-burning chemicals and antioxidants which will help to regulate your weight and manage your cholesterol levels.

Is it any wonder green tea is featured heavily in many weight loss supplements on the market? If you’re already in the habit of drinking tea then making the switch to green tea won’t be too difficult. Give it a go the next time you go to make yourself a cuppa.

Now that you have an idea of what to look for in good diet foods, start adding these to your meal plans. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at how such simple food can help you to lose weight quickly.

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