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Ideal Weight For Women:10 Essential Facts

With the Ideal Weight For Women chart below, it is very important to regard this analysis as an important turning point – even a starting point – rather than something conclusive, fixed, and final.


Because when you read your ideal weight below in a moment, it will hopefully give you the opportunity to address and modify three crucial aspects of your lifestyle:

  • (1) Habits (mental and physical)
  • (2) Exercise
  • (3) Body Intuition

These are discussed in greater detail below.

Before we get to your Ideal Weight Report below, let’s consider 10 other essential facts about your Ideal Weight that you should also be aware of (drawn from current research on a healthy BMI – Body Mass Index).

When thinking of the ideal weight for women, remember that:


Weight is NOT just a cosmetic issue or one of vanity.NOT being your ideal weight can potentially pose many serious health problems – especially later in life when it is more difficult to physically recover from weight-related illnesses or conditions.


When your doctor or relevant health professional takes your BMI (Body Mass Index) reading, certain numerical readings apply (kind of like healthy blood pressure figures):

– BMI under 19 is underweight.

– A BMI of 19-25 is normal (healthy) weight.

– For a BMI reading of 25-30, this is regarded as overweight.

– A BMI of 30+ is considered obese and risky in terms of health.


Between the ages of 35 and 55, women will find it increasingly easier to put on weight and increasingly harder to lose weight – especially as menopause nears. Typically, the weight is accumulated in the abdomen.


A healthy minimum of exercise is at least 3 times per week and it is vital that every person finds the PARTICULAR exercise method for them that is the most sustainable e.g. Salsa dancing, swimming, cycling, aerobics classes, etc.

Each person will respond differently to different forms of sport or exercise so experimenting to find the right one or combination is essential if a healthy CONSISTENT regime of exercise is to be MAINTAINED.


One of the primary reasons for weight gain as menopause approaches for women is the decline in the body’s production of hormones – hence the appeal of HRT: Hormone Replacement Therapy.

When hormones decline, so does a woman’s metabolic rate and hence her ability to ‘burn off’ excess calories.


One of the reasons that ‘fad’ or ‘crash diets’ are dangerous for women approaching menopause is because the possibility of osteoporosis – bone weakening – is greatly increased.

Dietary and exercise discipline is always important but this is PARTICULARLY true for pre-menopausal women as the body is undergoing significant changes.


It is also important to recognize that as a woman’s body ages internally, its external appearance cannot go back to that of a twenty-year-old.

Accepting that inevitability is important not only in terms of general contentment and self-esteem but also in consistently maintaining a healthy body exercise/diet regime during one’s 30s, 40s, 50s, and beyond.


During pregnancy, menstruation, or the most intense phase of menopause, the standard rules of ideal weight for women your height, frame, and age are much LESS accurate as BMI can fluctuate significantly during these times.


Modern society has conditioned us to stop ‘listening’ to our own bodies.

The physical feelings of well-being after digesting quality, healthy food are vastly different from how we feel after eating pure sugary junk.

We all need to tune OUT society and tune IN to what our bodies tell us during and after food and drink consumption.


Your healthy ‘ideal’ weight is probably significantly HIGHER than what size-zero-obsessed modern society tells you your weight should be.

There is a MASSIVE difference between a physiologically healthy weight and one imposed by the fickle, changing, and unhealthy tastes of the vanity-obsessed society we all live in.

If you have a smaller frame, your ideal weight will be at the low end of this range, if your frame is about average size, your ideal weight will be roughly in the middle. And if you have a larger body frame, your ideal weight will be at the higher end of this range.

Height (Feet/Inches)Height (Centimeters)Ideal Weight Range (Pounds)Ideal Weight Range (Kilograms)
4′ 7″14088-11640-53
4′ 9″14592-11942-54
4′ 11″15094-12143-55
5′ 1″15699-12845-58
5′ 2″158101-13046-59
5′ 3″162108-13649-62
5′ 4″164110-14150-64
5′ 5″166112-14351-65
5′ 6″168114-14552-66
5′ 7″170117-14753-67
5′ 8″172121-15255-69
5′ 9″174123-15456-70
5′ 10″176128-15858-72
5′ 11″178130-16359-74
Ideal Weight For Women

According to the newest European dietary research, this plan constitutes the healthiest possible diet in terms of weight loss (Stage 1) and then the maintenance of your optimum healthy weight (Stage 2

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