fruit diet weight loss juce detox

What is a Fruit Diet?

Those of you who are choosing a fruit diet for the first time should be congratulated. You’re about to go on a journey of discovery of healing and maintaining a healthful lifestyle. What can be more delicious than biting into a juicy ripe mango, ripened pineapple, banana, orange, apple, melon, or fresh papaya? It’s a meal and dessert rolled together. Whether you choose a piece of ripe fruit freshly picked from the tree, or you purchase fruit from your local farmers market, your health will begin to change dramatically. In this article, I’m going to focus on exactly what a fruit diet is, a bit on how it works, and some of the benefits you can expect.

Why a Fruit Diet for Cleansing and Detox

Our world today is a highly toxic place with technology leading towards a higher consumption of petrochemicals, synthetic chemicals, pesticides, even nuclear waste. This harsh environment produces toxins that end up in our water supply, our food chain, and straight into our bodies. Compound that with the highly processed foods most people in the western world are eating that is practically devoid of a whole fruit diet; it’s no wonder human beings are getting sick.

Illnesses such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes were unheard of 40 or 50 years ago, and if you did hear about someone with cancer, heart problems, or diabetes, it was usually a person who was much older, and already towards the end of their life. Today these diseases are on the increase, and instead of scientists and doctors being any closer to finding cures, the medical establishment prescribes drugs and more prescription medications for those who suffer from one ailment or another. It’s become quite clear that even prescription drugs are not necessarily aimed at healing the patient, as they merely stop the symptoms temporarily at best, mask the problem, and often bring negative or unwanted side effects.

Regularly going through a fruit diet will cleanse and detoxify the body. Fruit is one of the most perfect food sources that can help the body to detox since fruit is filled with enzymes that perform the digestive work. An all fruit diet, loaded with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals will get carried by the bloodstream to nourish every cell in the body. Another important point in favor of fruit is that it does not create mucous in the arteries and with its fibrous nature it helps to cleanse the colon effectively, removing toxic mucous that has been built up by poor eating habits over a period of years.

Lack of a Fruit Diet can Contribute to Toxins

I can’t say enough about the important function of the colon and our ability to regularly cleanse it. Perhaps you’ve heard the phrase, “the second brain”? That comes from a reference to the colon at times being termed ‘the second brain’. When the fetus first begins to form, everything stems from one central location, from this center the cells will divide and stem out to develop the nervous system and brain, heart, lungs, limbs, etc.

The central location from which everything originates or begins might be considered the belly. So in some groups of the newer nutritional sciences, the colon is referred to as the second brain. Since all food ingested goes has to go through the digestive processes in the colon, with its function being to extract the important nutrients, minerals, vitamins, proteins, amino acids, fatty acids, etc. from the food and sends those nutrients through the blood coursing throughout the body, vital organs, heart, and brain, and eliminate the waste product.

If the colon becomes impacted by food, as it inevitably will if you’ve been eating the average western diet, that waste will build up inside your colon. Toxins from the waste will reenter your bloodstream and travel back through your body. At this point, your healthy bodily systems which are meant to regenerate and heal naturally can easily begin to break down. The digestive process of the colon slows down when it becomes impacted by waste. There are other factors that hinder good digestion as well, such as the use of prescription drugs, eating excessive amounts of processed foods, meat, or starchy foods, not eating foods with fiber such as the fruits diet, or not drinking enough fresh purified water.

This waste material from your food, which should eventually be eliminated from the body, can end up sitting in your colon for days, weeks, months, or even longer. That leads to some very serious health complications since it means your colon is now reabsorbing those toxins, besides the fact that it is no longer able to properly absorb nutrients from your food. You might literally be starving your body of the very vital nutrients it desperately needs to maintain good health, while at the same time spewing more toxic waste back into your own system. Your body will no longer be capable of maintaining a healthy balance between good bacteria and bad bacteria, good germs, and bad germs.

With a Fruits Diet, What Benefits Can You Expect?

I hope I’ve built up a good case in which you can better understand the need for a detoxing purely fruits diet. Besides establishing some of the biological functions that make it so necessary, I want to also mention that for individuals who have serious health conditions, this website is not meant to be medical advice and it should not be used as a substitute for consulting with your own physician. Also, with certain people maintaining an all fruit diet continually may not be the best solution and could even make matters worse since, as fruit does lack all the valuable nutrients that most people need. The fruits diet has proven the most effective when used for a specific time period in order to cleanse and heal. The vegetable and fruit diet, with the inclusion of fatty acids, will have a greater percentage of vital nutrients that your body needs to maintain health.

Forbidden Fruits in a Fruit Diet

If you are considering a fruit diet, are there any fruits that are forbidden? The answer might be more complicated than a simple yes or no. It could depend more on whether you choose a temporary cleansing fruit flush diet that you participate in once a month, or if you are a fruitarian, OR if you have any health issues.

Fruit Diet Nutritional Concerns

A diet high in fruit limits what many nutritionists and doctors say are important nutrients, which makes the fruit diet an option not always recommended. The deficiencies listed for those who maintain a long-term fruit diet can range from protein, calcium & essential fatty acid deficiencies, to a lack of Vitamin B, Vitamin D, zinc, and iron. The fruit diet is also considered not safe for those suffering from diabetes and hyperglycemia due to the high sugar levels in fruit. Some professionals even go so far as to say an all fruit diet can cause these diseases.

Other reports from doctors, nutritionists, and foodie activists propose results showing the exact opposite. Dr. Douglas Graham, author of the 80/10/10 Diet has written extensively in his books saying that it’s virtually impossible to obtain too much sugar from eating fresh fruit. He says it’s more complicated than that and cites the real culprit is a coating of fat build-up in the blood. New studies being done by medical professionals are showing evidence that extra calcium supplements, not from normal food sources cause hard plaque particles in arteries, instead of the big scare on cholesterol, and that this is the link to heart-related disease.

The answer to this is an increased fruit and vegetable diet. Author and food activist David Wolfe, in his Sunfood Diet Success System, and Longevity Now Conferences, indicates that people with diabetes and hypoglycemia can begin a fruit diet by choosing those fruits which are low in sugars. Later when their body stabilizes they can include fruits that have higher sugar levels

Fruit Diet Nutritional Information

Fruit/servingProteinCaloriesCarbsVitamin AVitamin C *“Dirty Dozen” or “Clean 15”
Apple, 1 medium0801806Dirty dozen
Banana, 1 medium112028015Clean 15
Cantaloupe quarter med168118090Clean 15
Strawberries 8 medium size15013trace140Dirty dozen
Kiwi, 2 medium190182230Clean 15
Tangerine 2 medium170193085Dirty dozen
Nectarine 1 medium170162010Dirty dozen
Orange 1 medium15013trace120Dirty dozen
Plum 2 medium17017920Dirty dozen
Pear 1 medium110025010Dirty dozen
Pineapple 2 round slices19021trace35Clean 15
Watermelon 1- 8 ounce cup18019820Clean 15
Grapes 1 cup1852439Dirty dozen
Grapefruit ½ medium15014690Clean 15
Peach 2 medium170192020Dirty dozen
Avocado ½ medium11203     [fat:12]trace5Clean 15
Papaya   1 cup cubed155141.587Clean 15
Apricots 1 cup halves27518316Dirty dozen
Fruit Diet Nutritional Information

*EWG List references the Dirtiest Dozen fruits and veggies, those most heavily sprayed with pesticides and chemicals thus this group should be purchased “Organic”; while the Clean 15 are the least sprayed of the commercially sold fruits and veggies and are fine to purchase commercially.

Fruit Diet vs Conventional Diet

Here’s a brief overview of what the conventional diet is and how it supports weight loss. The focus surrounding conventional diets has to do with limiting calorie intake in order to achieve the objective of losing weight. If an individual can stay focused on limiting calories and food intake, without binging, as well as reign in his or her eating habits, then this diet can be very successful for weight loss. Once the weight goal is achieved, the next hurdle to leap will be to persevere on the diet and allow it to become your new eating habit.

But again, I would like to stress that if you have any health issues or if obesity is an issue, then please check with a doctor or healthcare provider before embarking on your diet. Your body type might require specific nutrients, animal proteins, fats, minerals, or vitamins that are supplied by your food sources, and if those are denied to your body it could end out doing you more harm than good. We don’t want that. So, be wise. Any diet you go on has the potential to be risky business for those reasons.

Also, certain diet programs will offer supplemental diet pills, or other drastic methods that promise a person to somehow magically shed pounds (or kilos). Most of us have been able to steer clear of those old tricks and people today understand that there truly is a very significant relationship between the foods we eat, our weight, and most importantly our health.

Having said that, as you begin a detoxing diet program you will find the most challenging and difficult time for you, especially if you are new to the all-fruit diet, will be during the first 3 days. Once you get through that period you will begin to experience:

  • renewed health, vigor, and sense of well-being
  • deeper detoxing of toxins built up by processed foods, polluted air, and water
  • safer weight loss due to the low caloric intake in a fruit diet

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